
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

when it comes to a Kingkong..

.. too clever to be defrauded.
Okay, first of all. Sorry again for the delay of this post. and HAPPY BIRTHDAY again for our king kong here.
I don't even remember how this 'kingkong' nickname came from, it just popped out from nowhere so don't ask me why or how
Apparently, it was just another phailed surprise. Fyi it has been so called 'surprise' for everyone's birthday so everybody would be aware when their birthday is around the corner but we still call or consider it a surprise here k. :/ Surprisingly we fooled ivy the chin ma instead, but there is no point though.
It still takes a long time and effort for making this fail surprise. #ultimatefail T___T At least we've got the heart didn't we....? *puppy eyes*
Oh yeah, hope you guys like the presents! 
The venue is Kissaten @Jaya one. 
Word of the day- Vintage
Le birthday boy
typical wedding like photo
A simple birthday celebration. Guess they should be glad this just is 'simple' ones. hahahaha
It was quite a nice catchup with all of them though.

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