
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta '13

Finally finish edited all the photos because the files are too big, I edited the colour and so.
But too bad it was a random one, we didn't planned to go there. Timing was so wrong there was nothing much to be seen at that time. :(
Trend of the day #kiyomi LOL
le shy xiao bai 
it was a sunny Friday :)
When all of us busy tourist-ing( of course ivy chin busy being the photographer haha) 
Mr. Kevin busy kiyomi-ing (posing) wth
then only we found her long lost brother!

 The day wasn't so good after all, cause it started raining.. and so we had to go for a cafe nearby, the only cafe I guess. and Mr. Kevin started to pose again.
wonder what is his reaction when he finds out, he won't anyways. heh
photographer needs her own photo too
I love candid shot. hahahah
while waiting for the Hot Air Balloonsssss....
the smurf is too shy to turn around :(
again and again, please excuse the annoying pose
There goes our second visit to Hot Air Balloon Fiesta. I think the last year balloons are way more nicer (personal thought :/ ) and kinda disappointed cause we went so far and waited for so long and see nothing. The traffic congestion when we left was really bad too. 
Maybe we should just go on Saturday night, heard there was fireworks and stuff. (cant imagine how bad the traffic congestion could get) o.o
Sorry for the unrelated photos spam. It was just a good day for photos. hahahaha 

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