
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Bad day

Had a harsh day. Mass Transfer mid term just now, and we totally screwed it. 1 hour and 45minutes given for 3 questions and fyi this is the subject that I've used most graph papers ever in my life. So yeah, 1 hour and 45 minutes is not even sufficient for 3 of those. Shit right, and the most shitty thing is I only remember on how to do the first question at the very last minute and my scale of the graph is probably wrong or something that I couldn't find the value I need from there. Then I realize I did wrongly for Q3 and I dont even sure if my Q2 answer is correct, probably no. -_- Sorry for the verbiage me.
and now! we get summon and had this shitty racist police lecturing about perhimpunan shit. seriously..
what a day
my pimples are too stress, they decided to come out.

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