
Monday, March 25, 2013


是不是好天我不清楚,只是我的心情竟然奇特的好。哈哈 也许是今天的好天气,睡了一夜的好觉,听了好听的歌,吃了好吃的食物,很庆幸我身边有一班好人 发觉一切都很好。就只是治安不好
应该说是差。十分非常很糟糕。真的不知到全世界发了什么神经,康乐已经连续三天发生了抢劫强奸案(差一点发生的强奸案)而且听说多时外国人哦。大家真的要小心点 随时提高警惕!这些紧张时刻真的不是说只有康乐一带会发生,在哪里都不安全 就包括呆在家里。:O
对了对了,顺便介绍一下非常难得的好吃食物,Ippudo Ramen!上个礼拜听了艾薇小姐的感言后就心想:有那么夸张吗?一试就知道真的是那么夸张!天啊,这根本是天堂。好吃的是那肉,蛋(额外加的),还有汤底。总的来说就是全部吧。哈哈哈。我们三人吃了大约RM110。但是绝对值得!超级赞!
不过怎么说呢,我还是过了一个很愉快又短暂的周末,真的很白目也不知道在爽什么。总之我很满足。嘻。虽然过两天可怕的midterm又来了。接着的就是更加怕人的末期大考,九,十,十一,十二号。我 要 疯 了!
有的时候真的害怕自己只剩下一个人,害怕孤单。可有的时候又觉得一个人,可以不吵不闹不炫耀、可以很宁静,也很好。这就是处女座吗 :/



Thursday, March 21, 2013

Bad day

Had a harsh day. Mass Transfer mid term just now, and we totally screwed it. 1 hour and 45minutes given for 3 questions and fyi this is the subject that I've used most graph papers ever in my life. So yeah, 1 hour and 45 minutes is not even sufficient for 3 of those. Shit right, and the most shitty thing is I only remember on how to do the first question at the very last minute and my scale of the graph is probably wrong or something that I couldn't find the value I need from there. Then I realize I did wrongly for Q3 and I dont even sure if my Q2 answer is correct, probably no. -_- Sorry for the verbiage me.
and now! we get summon and had this shitty racist police lecturing about perhimpunan shit. seriously..
what a day
my pimples are too stress, they decided to come out.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Happy 21st Pongpong!

Happy Birthday pong pong the ling half more hour to go and I aint gonna wait no more.
All the best on working, life, relationships and everything! 
I wrote all I wanted to wish her on the card, Imma quite a low profile you know. hahaha
Hope you like the little card and appreciate my sincerity 
Cant wait for meeting you! hehe.
When is the next time for all of us to meeting up? :(
p/s: Wish me the best of luck for my test tomorrow, I dont want to fail for another time :'(

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Hey peepo! Let's call it a night, its Friday yo :D
with le hometown friends. and it is the first time we came out like this and drinking. This is my first time @ The Library.
Just to show off.

The end.

Thursday, March 7, 2013



Monday, March 4, 2013

its March!

Oh my gosh, didn't realize its been a month plus since I last update! :O
I thought it was only like 2 or 3 weeks ago. Its been a harsh month. what a February.
and now I recall, it all just happen in a blink. It is now already 4th of March, mid term already goodness!

Okay, let's continue with what happened after the last post. Hmmph, it was quite busy before the Chinese New Year. Assignments reports due date quizes all falls after cny, shit right? and all the days before cny of course would be busy preparing about it ya know, cleaning, helping out with all of those.
This year CNY was kinda disappointing and it is just so boring I can say. But I am grateful enough to be able to meet up with winnie and vern after all. :) and many of other hometown friends of course. Didnt take any photo so. uh.. :/
Coming back from le lovely home town and then deal with all of the shits for weeks.
Was just finishing our last test 1 last Tuesday, the never ending reports and assignments.
Eye bag is never going to recover already ;(
For this year of course we celebrated
全民过年ulala新春晚会 too. hahahah

Yep, its our own little celebration on the last day of CNY.
Thanks a loooooot to our masterminds- Xiao Bai and Ah Mok!
The games are good and the truth is they both enjoyed being the mastermind too, though.
Lou sang, putting out the lanterns are must!
 Not to forget the sweetheart's birthday! Angel's day.
This time our choice is Tapper's cafe @ Setapak. It is pretty far and then they decided to go to Genting for second round. crazy people! the worst is when you've got 8am class on the next day and assignment to be submit. Gosh! we came back and rush the assignment until 7+ am and an hour late to the class. Thats why I say the eye bags dont leave T_T
the guys
and the ladies
a group photo before eve and chia vern left
Le cute couples :)
and its camwhore time hahahaha
spot SQ! lmao!!
Happy Birthday once again Angel! 
Third time celebrating her birthday together and still counting, my sister 
Hope you love the present and the card. Love ya :)