
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

it's June

Ya. its peek's month! hahaha
so fast.
it also means that the busy has begun.! :(
just had intro test on Monday, & having maths2 test tomorrow and I have no clue what am I studying for the past dew weeks. shit me and I'm blogging naaoooo.
so let's make this quick k.
Have been exercising quite a lot for the past week and its good! freaking damn good.
I want to play badminton this weekend. I hope...
and many of us just registered for the McD Fun Run! here we are again. yayyy ^_^
got addicted to OCHADO recently. niceeeyyy :D
stole the pic here and there :P
so happy for getting to eat zanmai hehhee
a lovely and simple weekend with le sister.
thank you sis 
and like finally, I got this. These photos were like since last sem break. omg thanks to Mr. Pongteng -__-
le day dreamer with her fav pose haha 
Nothing to do, just posting photos. hahaha
angel, do you miss your long long hair?

Any suggestion on how to fix my boring hair?? :/
and the annoying bang!!! ughhh
cut it? keep it? perm it? dye it? -_- dafuq

 Its been years since I last letting my hair grow this long. looks at those gorgeous short hair. should I? hmm.
Should or should NOT? >:(
sleeping late for the past weeks. yes. weeks!
Idk what I doing to get this, serious panda eyes. omg
now go get a nap and start fighting for the test 1!

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