
Friday, June 22, 2012

考试考到要疯了,因为那堂课都一直在逃,所以都怕了。而且是我一直以来不是很好的科目。真的,该学乖了。:(  #是时候换副眼镜了是吧?

这几个礼拜真的是累坏了,小马说x ray都照不到我的肝了,我深深地怀疑 哈哈 :/
不是在赶工就是什么我也不懂,每天每夜都在赶呀。现在啊,全部大便都来了 assignment 都来了*逃*
是真的不应该。。 叹。算了。说什么也没有用对吧。只得加把劲把它搞定。
当然不忘了要放松自己,找点运动或活动来做。女人呢就会花一点$,宠一下自己。哈哈哈!谢谢你宝贝。所以... 现在穷毙了D:

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Ghee ghee's big day!

Successfully trolled ghee. First time ever in World No.1! Break the record. and luckily no drama happened.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GHEE! but no photos of me with her online yet. :/
this match with the upper photo so well right. XD
Blur and dark pic like this taken that night.
So we went Caffeinees again. ya that's all. Lolll
I need a new phone raite? yeah. I think so.

Its good to have someone to talk to. The feeling after talked about what you actually feel. and someone who has reached consensus with you.You'll be like  I gotta the feeling wohooo~~ Hahaha
I'd still like to keep my blog private it comes from many reasons. One of it is because my blog is my only left place where I can vent on. I want to say scream what I like, say what I feel not just always for what he/she wanted ya know..
But sometimes can you, just think for other people, the people around you who love you. Even just for a sec?

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

it's June

Ya. its peek's month! hahaha
so fast.
it also means that the busy has begun.! :(
just had intro test on Monday, & having maths2 test tomorrow and I have no clue what am I studying for the past dew weeks. shit me and I'm blogging naaoooo.
so let's make this quick k.
Have been exercising quite a lot for the past week and its good! freaking damn good.
I want to play badminton this weekend. I hope...
and many of us just registered for the McD Fun Run! here we are again. yayyy ^_^
got addicted to OCHADO recently. niceeeyyy :D
stole the pic here and there :P
so happy for getting to eat zanmai hehhee
a lovely and simple weekend with le sister.
thank you sis 
and like finally, I got this. These photos were like since last sem break. omg thanks to Mr. Pongteng -__-
le day dreamer with her fav pose haha 
Nothing to do, just posting photos. hahaha
angel, do you miss your long long hair?

Any suggestion on how to fix my boring hair?? :/
and the annoying bang!!! ughhh
cut it? keep it? perm it? dye it? -_- dafuq

 Its been years since I last letting my hair grow this long. looks at those gorgeous short hair. should I? hmm.
Should or should NOT? >:(
sleeping late for the past weeks. yes. weeks!
Idk what I doing to get this, serious panda eyes. omg
now go get a nap and start fighting for the test 1!