
Sunday, February 12, 2012

the new me

Yes, apparently as you've seen. The new layout of my blog. actually it's still remain the same just that my background and font have changed. 
Its kinda dazzling. but.. just deal with it k. haha
Just had ze long gone mamak session with gang. super funny. and our captain's eyes were like 
K.. fyi, we've been at there since 12am until 5am. Five hours. Yes. We're totally insane.
Talking about the games that we used to play when we were little. 

Are you a 90's?
I miss it so much! and then about secondary school. It is endless when it comes to secondary stuff of everyone. Idiotic and mad thing that we will only do at the range.

So we get drunk
So what we don't sleep
We're just having fun
We don't care who sees
So what we go out
That's how it's supposed to be
Living Young and Wild and Free

it made me feel old with digit 2 in my age. ughhh
BBQ was fun with them. Nights peepo.
It's almost 6am in the morning and I'm hungry

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