
Friday, February 24, 2012

Just another random Friday

I thought it'll be a really good day. like I'll do a lot of things. because I kinda have a lot of things to do.
But then, you know right? Are you thinking what I'm thinking? ;)
lolol. yea. I wasted my Friday. YAY.
I gotta help the 傻大姐 for whole day long. and YAY. wasted another day. 
This following week we're gonna have the-cursed-3days-tests again. YAY.
actually its midterms this time. a totally different story. fyi, I really had my physics paper screwed. failed it. YAY
and I got like tons of workssssss to be doneeeeee. never touch any of them YAYYY
Yes, you may kill this woman right now.
But before you do, please listen to this song. O-M-G. they're srly!
Wait, something that i want to say.
all the best to my bff miss vic as she just had her surgery. Its kinda a big surgery. for me, I guess?
Yes, it is! Hope to hear from you soon. I miss the time. the 38 time. and ze pongpong! :D
Now, I can die in peace.

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