
Friday, February 24, 2012

Just another random Friday

I thought it'll be a really good day. like I'll do a lot of things. because I kinda have a lot of things to do.
But then, you know right? Are you thinking what I'm thinking? ;)
lolol. yea. I wasted my Friday. YAY.
I gotta help the 傻大姐 for whole day long. and YAY. wasted another day. 
This following week we're gonna have the-cursed-3days-tests again. YAY.
actually its midterms this time. a totally different story. fyi, I really had my physics paper screwed. failed it. YAY
and I got like tons of workssssss to be doneeeeee. never touch any of them YAYYY
Yes, you may kill this woman right now.
But before you do, please listen to this song. O-M-G. they're srly!
Wait, something that i want to say.
all the best to my bff miss vic as she just had her surgery. Its kinda a big surgery. for me, I guess?
Yes, it is! Hope to hear from you soon. I miss the time. the 38 time. and ze pongpong! :D
Now, I can die in peace.

Monday, February 20, 2012

what the heck is wrong with us?

I feel like a superwoman, I predicted what I said.
That was a really tough week. and I got sick. again right? -.-
I'm really weak. and I need exercises!
not sure it was food poisoning or whatever cause I never diarrhea just vomited twice and thanks for the housemate's 'curry powder' medicine. it really tastes like curry powder. lol
Sorry for making you worry, everybody and especially the miss roomate. 
Thank you so much 
it was a really hard time when you're sick and away from home. there goes, homesick strikes. T_T
Anyway, I'm healthy as a cow now. was waiting for the photos to update my blog. so now, here you goes!

she was actually 放空-ing again.
the 'real' couple :P
sorry angel if you're reading this. tehee
we found love. caven -.-
camwhoring non stop
all fit in. so geng! :O
my girls :)
the boys -_-
We're insane. as always.
and another day, the Mr.Horse aka Jason aka xiao ma birthday celebration.
Hoi tong Steamboat is it! yayyy.
There were 4cars , 21 of us :O 
our gang is getting larger day by day. its kinda scary. lol
and we didn't actually know how to get there. thanks to the smart us. Lol.
it is located at.... 
google yourself kay. HAHAHA
not to forget to eat healthy. macam yes.
our table, and there were 4 tables too.
eat ALL the fruits!
me with 面包超人s
does she looks like 面包超人? haha. the hair suits her so much btw.
Soo qing, her high pitch voice is kinda annoying undeniably    
Next station, Overtime @ viva home mall. 
CHEERS. I didn't really drink though.

xiao ma and the present. Oh he seems to love it.
Yes. the condom. XD
1, 2, 3 and run. HAHAHAH *click to enlarge

The two naughty girls. Ong lu lu must tiok gou gou li on her birthday!
After that, Mcd some more. 
true or dare. luckily I didn't join them. @@
it was actually already 3 or even 4am and I was half dead.
We're totally outta control. somebody rescue us please.
all of this was before I sick of course. lol
and we're planning to go Redang. flight to Cambodia was bought. wohoo.
a travel year huh. and broken wallet too.

Every single moment will be kept in the bottom of my heart to the death. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

V day

Since we moved here, walk to CLM is like some routine for us. 
Went to buy some stuff using Baucar Buku 1Malaysia. used RM50, and I spoiled one of it. -_- 
This week is gonna be a rough week, NO. It is! totally. since we're always ON for everything.
So, we deserve it. #daisei
Yesterday was the due date for Physics lab report submission. 
me and the room mate rushed at the veryyyy last minute. and now I'm a real dead fish. dizziness and hungriness strike. ugghh 
Anyway, I'm still blogging #likeabause. While I prolly should be rushing another report like a dog.
Not the point, -.-
so here comes the long-waited V day by everyone. well, it doesn't really matters. since we're all singles.
Just let us 

Happy V day to all of you whether you're single or available or taken by somebody else, whatever. 
Appreciate the moments with your love ones and everyday would be the Valentine's. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

the new me

Yes, apparently as you've seen. The new layout of my blog. actually it's still remain the same just that my background and font have changed. 
Its kinda dazzling. but.. just deal with it k. haha
Just had ze long gone mamak session with gang. super funny. and our captain's eyes were like 
K.. fyi, we've been at there since 12am until 5am. Five hours. Yes. We're totally insane.
Talking about the games that we used to play when we were little. 

Are you a 90's?
I miss it so much! and then about secondary school. It is endless when it comes to secondary stuff of everyone. Idiotic and mad thing that we will only do at the range.

So we get drunk
So what we don't sleep
We're just having fun
We don't care who sees
So what we go out
That's how it's supposed to be
Living Young and Wild and Free

it made me feel old with digit 2 in my age. ughhh
BBQ was fun with them. Nights peepo.
It's almost 6am in the morning and I'm hungry

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Yes!! or Nooooo?

Yesss! finish the scary3days quiz. but nooooOOOOOOO
yu know what I am going to say?
haha.  yea la. I did screwed up the bloody physics. you know why? because... 
I made a lot of mistakes. that I shouldn't have....
Chem> math> Physics.
Is it because my energy is used up in these 3days?or my brain juice? -.-
my mistakes are increasing day by day. this is exhausting man.
Ok, this is useless. complaining ain't helping! me know me know.
so just try my best for the lab report ( 2reports waiting for me to finish them, and I have no idea what shit is that all about.! but I'm still going to say this), mid term, and ya we all know midterm is a disaster. 
Le me #truestory
22years ago, on the first of February, the Lao lin was born. 
The fat me :'(
  the long gone :)  

le zombies. RUN FOR YOUR LIFE.