
Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Went to Pavilion with Henry and Fion =]
Ya we enjoyed our day ! ! Happy happy . hee.took some pics but still haven get all of them. others pls refer to fb. hahh

F and I want to buy our cny shirts. and yeah we bought . a tremendously stupid incident happened on me. that was at Cotton On .

Henry : 呃呃,你看十五块罢了.
me    :呃 ? 是哦... *choosing and test. and im very pleased with the big smile on my face thinking this is was so worth * then F make the payment for me n her skirt that shew wants to buy.and then...

Fion   : 纾欣,做么酱的?呃 ? 没有啊,你的衣四十九块啊!
me   : WALAOOO EHHHH 是咩?我去问一下.

shit thing happens. the shirt that i chose is a NEW ARRIVAL! dono which moron put it on the place which all the RM15 shirts placed ==""" and the skirt that F wants to buy is RM15 too. what a coincidence. so whn she paid she thought it was her skirt that cost RM49.  SOOO SHIIIITTTT!

and i would like to clarify here. we went out within a sudden, and it was my sis who fetching us to tasik selatan.  sorry to the others who we din ask to join us =C 

I want to change my handphoneeee =C

Arghhh. yes, i want to change it desperately. its been 3 yrs, ya u can c it by it looks. really looks like 3-year-old phone. cz it is CRAPPY ! fml
and my sis just told me not to waste money cause ma parent r suffering over there to support my daily expenses. i knw laa. i didn't bazir la okay =/ then.. my plan to tell my dad that i wan to change hp is paotang  ={
i think i have many 'AND's and 'WANT's    LOL. right?  i still rmb on the last post i said that i want to dye my hair, i still haven... but soon =)

imma off to badmt now. Buaiii ~

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