
Sunday, October 6, 2013

October | Late Birthday Post

Foremost, Happy Belated Birthday to meeee! hahaha Thanks everyone for the greets, celebrations and everything that you've done for me. The gang that super busy and still squeeze the time for the celebration, lujing & angel for the effort and escort me like a princess at front door. hahahaah Love y'all! And of course the love ones. The things that he has done for me, is way more than what  I deserve. Always feel rejoice to have him and cherish every moment together 
Something's wrong with the celebration photo that the color is like so weird I couldn't upload it here, and some in iPad so nevermind just leave it. These all are taken by my phone and some updates lately. oh ya. Just to update, like fi fi fi nallyyy I changed my phone.
sweeeet present from pongpong the ling! we should get married right? 
Decided to go for the Podgy & The Banker @ Sri Hartamas with le sweetie pie since he left the car and we seriously needed a catchup.
our mochas
It was a really nice coffee served and we wanted to try out their cakes & cupcakes so badly! save it for the next time. heee Mad love with the ambience over there. So chilling and relaxing. We totally enjoyed! Went back to Angel's house with this cute little angel. Awww she melts my heart.
 A crazy tiring day with the always-crazyyyy people, we went Klang to have dinner @ Restoran Boston Baru. OMG every dish served were freaking awesome and you gotta queue up if reached by 7 onwards like seriously. Four dishes- vege, lala, chicken and tofu cost us like RM16 each person. Oh my freaking goooddd. I love this restaurant. We reached and ordered around 630 and our food arrived around 720-725. I mean Seriously! Then we went to Setia Alam Night Market. :OOOOOOO
The happy kids when saw all the candies we had when we were little! hahah
Lastly,the love one. He looks so sissy here gosh.
taken before going to work just to tryout the new app. Hahahaha
Btw, I started my internship like a month ago. It sucks, actually the boss sucks. Every bosses suck right?

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Can't believe it has been a month since the last post. Yeah I know, I'm going way too far this time. wayyyyy to lazy to be exact. I had a lot in my mind and wanted to blog about everything! I have many drafts that I wrote halfway you know, was just too lazy -_-
People saying me mysterious, difficult to understand, anti-social or stuff like that. But for me what I was doing just protecting myself, have no idea why I have this mind-set thingy. I think I am overprotecting myself am I? I actually realized this situation for a long time ago as well, that I am kinda.. do not know how to expressing myself I should say? Idk, something like that. 
Or you can I really prefer more privacy. Especially in relationship, family issues or sensitive(important) thing to me. I feel like its the safest way on earth is to keep it to yourself. Maybe its the Virgo thing? hahahaha. blame it to the horoscope some more. 
So when I found someone who I can tell everything everything, I cherish them. like very much.. 
For those who stood and still stands by me. I really really really appreciate it. You know who you are and THANK YOU! You have no idea how much you can mean to a person. 
Oh how I miss this silly girl. Sometimes a little girls night could makes you laugh your lung out and drives you crazy!
Us with our long tongue. hahahahaha
And before I forgot/ getting lazy. A small celebration for our jizai. Happy Birthday dude and all the best in future at UK. Gonna miss you so much when you're left! How could you leaving on my bday :( 
Any ladies out there who interested this young man is still single and available ooops. 
Sorry for the poor quality of photos, ok. I know my photos never been good. 
Goodnight gotta go get some sleep and fight for Wednesday mid term! Mid term yang x habis2.:(

Sunday, June 23, 2013

One of A Kind

writing this post after waking up from the night, still hype! How could someone not when you just saw GD and Taeyang this close? Opening was awesomeeeee shittttt! didn't mange to capture because we were on our way running to zone B 488. hahaha
I know rightttt IT WAS SUPERRRR CLOSEEEEE. gahhhhhhh
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. gone crazy when YB came to our side! This was taken when Bad Boy is played, my fav song of all T____T
but too bad we can't make it when he is performing. 
All of these just make it up for the Bigbang alive tour that I couldn't attend because we were having final exam but had to send my sister over it! 
Idk why and how or what happen, it couldn't even load to upload those videos.. :( 
Oh ya, and of course..
BIG BIG Thanks to Casey for making all this dream come trueeee. heheh muacks!
p/s: waking up to the haze plus the sore throat is nightmare!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Get Lucky

Still up for no reason, should be sleeping raite naooo. cause having stupid additional classes on Saturday early morning! :( 
I'm up all night to get lucky. Just one of my recent top favourite songs. so much lovesss.
'The present has no ribbon
Your gift keeps on giving
What is this I'm feeling?
If you want to leave, I'm with it'
The one that I borrowed from le sis. Read the front 10+ like pages and left aside since then. It is good! I wish I had time for this :(
Who doesn't want to be the lucky ones?

Sunday, June 9, 2013


If you've already notice, it has became from one week a post to take forever for me to blog. Would you believe me if I say I am too busy for this? Nay? Fine. Lazy me :( Anyhow can't deny I am a little too busy..for blogging ya know. 
And hey its June and I was like what did I missed for a whole May or even 2013!? omg time passes too fast.
Let's just start with the delighting ones.
we have no idea whether this is a nice photo, or not.

Transformer the besssst!
the human one already got us. and winnie williams is so funny iwannashitinmypant :P
have no idea what's with the peace 
Far far away is paradise so cuteeee
one of the show that all of us enjoyed so much got really stunned and forgot to take photo

You can see by the picture it was a whole day long in USS. after coming out from sentosa we off to Marina Bay. Didn't really take any(nice) photos because all of us were like tired as hell. We were just sitting by the stairs to have a rest. But after that our bodies surrendered before we wanted to, so we just decided to enjoy  the lighting of Gardens by the Bay from far away. and we didn't get to walk around Clark Quay too. That's a little regret.
Went back, had steamboat as our dinner or supper with beer. The quality time. :)
The other day, it was so hot that we didn't even feel like taking any photos.

A MUST-POST-PHOTO hahahahahaha check out what happened to our leader throughout the whole trip. poor leader.
Le yilun
It is never the money but precious moment spent for a little getaway with them!   But I gotta admit this is a shit-iest plan ever. hahaha. nee-mind.
& there goes our Singapore trip. 
Things happened and I am so clueless. Many thoughts have been running in my mind, its gonna explode any soon. 
Tests on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are not helping at all! 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

when it comes to a Kingkong..

.. too clever to be defrauded.
Okay, first of all. Sorry again for the delay of this post. and HAPPY BIRTHDAY again for our king kong here.
I don't even remember how this 'kingkong' nickname came from, it just popped out from nowhere so don't ask me why or how
Apparently, it was just another phailed surprise. Fyi it has been so called 'surprise' for everyone's birthday so everybody would be aware when their birthday is around the corner but we still call or consider it a surprise here k. :/ Surprisingly we fooled ivy the chin ma instead, but there is no point though.
It still takes a long time and effort for making this fail surprise. #ultimatefail T___T At least we've got the heart didn't we....? *puppy eyes*
Oh yeah, hope you guys like the presents! 
The venue is Kissaten @Jaya one. 
Word of the day- Vintage
Le birthday boy
typical wedding like photo
A simple birthday celebration. Guess they should be glad this just is 'simple' ones. hahahaha
It was quite a nice catchup with all of them though.

Sunday, May 19, 2013


首先我想道歉。第一是因为这迟了几分钟的post,第二是因为我们精心准备的生日惊喜。吓到了呗 哈哈 我们敢这样做也不是因为你们太敢玩。:P 应该很难忘吧?
二来我想谢谢你。谢谢你做我的朋友 对,开玩笑的。真心的谢谢你做我的妈妈 你明白我的一素就好。
原本这些所谓的Mission必须在室外完成,应给更有挑战性及好玩(当然这只是旁观者想法)哪知天不作美 一大清早便天黑黑结果真的就下起大雨了。不过总的来说这次还算成功。*很有成就感* 前一晚我还失眠咧,真的很夸张。O_O
亲爱的妈妈 生日快乐!
三周年快乐 哈哈哈
说真的,我们真的很相像。我想的要说的你都懂,所以肉麻的话我就不多说了 本身也不擅长于表达。 我们啊~就细水长流下去呗!哈哈哈哈
ps: 希望大人刀下留人 本人玩不起!