
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

day off

Wowwwww a day off right after the crazy 60 hours marathon.
and idk why am i waking up so early. should at least sleep until 1 or 2pm right. Lol
Really got no idea how am I going to survive this thing if I never work at the earlier book fair srsly. I think I'm going to explode into pieces.
Christmas is coming,the song, the feeling is good.
Oh ya, if I'm not mistaken all of us are required to wear the stupid hat.

Thanks God Its Tuesday. Weekend is no longer a disengagement to me, in fact its a disaster.
Speaking of that, we've got 3days to the doomsday. a real disaster, do you believe it?
and if its not, then we got 6days to go!

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