
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Tonight I'm afraid of dark

That's all for today. and before I end this, one this song for you guys.
I love this song super duper like very very extremely much! Accidentally found this song- 'Tonight I'm Afraid Of The Dark' the other day.
The one I first listen was live one, and it sounds perfect omg. so touching. 
I just googled the lyrics.
Just love this.

Friday, October 19, 2012

When emo-ness strikes

Ok. Nothing much to publish but still feel like blogging. Its like a place for me to vent on so, bear with me.
I'm tired.... I want to get back. Every semester when its almost final exam I'll be having the same feeling I have now. Homesick. #ohgodwhy
Its good to know there's always someone waiting for you in somewhere you belong Home.
I'm so so so glad with what I am having, what I've got, what they gave me.
So tell me what should I do..? 
Oh ya and Happy Belated Birthday to this sapo ngan!
Take care in UK stay cute stay pretty (I know you always do) anyway am still gonna wish you, I'm sincere! Please do contact us when you're back, keep in touch. Always love you.♥
and you! Winnie Williams. I miss you so muchhhhhhh!
The last time we met was on cny. oh god, this cant be happening! Should not and must not.
Sorry for that :/
and good night!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

old times

It's 5am in the morning,
Everything is so happening, just like the old good times.
Finish our test2 today, but we totally act like we've finished our final paper! (which actually officially one more week from today onwards)
Poker and laughing @ InHouse. lol.
still I want to say, I will always have a bunch of crazy friends.
while I'm feeling myself becoming more and more serious.. idk.
and I'm gonna complaining about money on every post from now on!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Happy Birthday Li Jing

Jingle bell jingle bell jingle bell rocks.....
Its Jingle Bell's birthday today!
Once upon a time, 4 best friends went mamak at the middle of night and came up with a surprise for a birthday girl.
The plan goes like this:- They people gonna borrow phone from her and inform her mother that we gonna bring her out on her birthday. Cause her mum is like waiting her outside uni super punctual everyday after class. Yeah, so this is the most important issue of all, inform the mother. And then the other things are like preparing a big card for her and waiting at the main door for her after our lab and a small card for wishes.
the card by Kevin. Awwww
And every things flowed perfectly as what planned.
Sing k to celebrate. Its weird that its only the second outing with all of them,course mates. so weird right? We have been taking classes together for a year already. Time flies, too fast.

I miss my home or should I work before going back?
Please Mr Money, I need ya. :((((

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Fucked up by a mid term today. Really.. fucked up.
Am so angry at myself, how can I even made such mistakes.
Things just didnt turn out the way it should be, but this is too much. please.
and please, dont sick right now. this is such a wrong timing.
Goodnight people.
Sick people sleep earlier.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

I want to..

Feeling so old recently, like srsly..
But I cant say an example. just feeling it.
I want to travel and see the world. Can I?
But doing it alone is too lonely and scary for me.
So two will be just fine.