
Saturday, September 15, 2012

I was born today

le one-year-old me
Me iz very the dark since I was born, problem?
Took some photos from the album. It is fun looking through the old photos and recollect the memories with your family. This is why pictures are taken at the first place :')
me with the cute big round eyes :P
Le me craving for the bday cake for my sis. ahahahaha
And after this little fella was born, I started to hate her as the little ones will always follow the older. She followed everything that I do at that time, followed me everywhere I'm going and it was very annoying!
and the little ones wins everytime we fight, Jie jie must tolerate because she's your mei mei, Mum always said.
This is one of the important issue that incite my anger. I hate it so much at that time. hahahaha this is super funny by even thinking about what made me angry. Its always good to be a child right :( thats probably my only annoyance at that time. 
But sisters could be best friend too :)
she looks totally like a boy back then
we like sleeping in the camping tent HAHAHAH
and always end up waking up grumpy coz it is very hot sleepin' inside!
Oh! that was me. cute right? HAHAHAHAHAHA
I hate it when she's crying......... >:( 
one of our favourite moment : 爸爸讲“不是” :)
everyday after my dad finish working from shop, we three fight for hugs like crazy XD
Birthday of princess
Picture says it all  ♥  you know I always love you, dad
Oh I didn't took any photos of mummmmmmmm, sowiiieeee mum. oopsie
Thanks everyone for the wishes, everything that you guys've done for me. It really means a lot to me, even its only a wish. Glad to have someone that care about me, feeling so thankful :')
second round @ The Library. 
Finally gotten into 20. Happy or to sad? :/
p/s: My bday is actually on 14 September fyi, this post was written halfway yesterday haha

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