
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Happy Family

Happy Birthday to the May babies of world number one, Ivy the chin and King Kong Low. So, you both just gotta celebrate your birthdays together for the following 3 years.
For the room mate, didnt manage to take photo of the lovely card I made. ugh. but its super duper nice like srly, you can sell it at a.e.i.o.u studio production. lolol. and for the king kong we made something that cost us the night but totally worth it! I iz very the satisfied with the result. :D
Ok. let's proceed with the photos and Imma off to bed.
its the Cafe Barbera @ Bangsar this time.
2 hours late from the appointment, thanks to the traffic jamming all the way along the mid valley road. and the we're not familiar with the road. grrrr
four cars of us all gone mad and hungry.

Hawaii and whatever mushroom pizza combo
my double toasted latte 
chocolate fondant!
Persatuan Rumah Hakka
and not to forget the selca. as usual :P

cake from Jb and candle from Melaka! haha
most of the the photos are blurry and dim. I got no idea how to edit them so, just let them be.
Goodnight people!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

insanity strikes again

On the weekend, we are crazy.
To start the story, let's begin on the Friday. as usual, kopi likes to give me surprises.
so we off to Mid Valley with Mr.Henry for movie. yeah its been a while right!
Shadows of Love is it. a movie that wouldn't on my must-watch list. but still, not bad.
delicious for dinner. heard quite a lot of comment about it, but my dish didnt really taste good. so, the first and the last time for me.
since everyone is going back to their lovely home town to celebrate Mother's Day, I'm going to celebrate mine with a bunch of left kids at kopi's house. pity us :'(
Another day, sent Mr. Henry to lcct. Luckily that we got there on time. pheww~
He's very assured for allowing us to drive his car. :O
planned to drove Bangsar to yamcha, but yeah, you know, we lost. HAHA. even drove by Shah Alam.
Kopi's spontaneous never fails to amaze me. hahaha.
we four, the Champion kids finally decided to go Melaka for a one day trip. yayyyy! now a happy kid. lol
wore the same dresses we bought the other day @ bangsar f block! its friggin' funny man. it's hard for us to lost each other you know.
you girls made my weekend perfect! 

who's going too? :DD

p/s: for the one who steal my pant! I CURSE U!!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Toniiiiiiiight we are young

Have been went out like nobody's business these few days. since its the first few weeks of the semester, do not hesitate to go out if there's any chance. yeah. TEHEE. too bad the coughing is so f up. ughhh.
Leng Leng to the Loo's Birthday! planned for an outing together like centuries ago and finally one.
Poco Homemade is it! :D wanted to go for so long, like finally.
my tofu cake. nice :D
look just like those photo on internet right haha!
this is superb. the hot chocolate melt in ice cream *.*
angel's bittery ice cream or whatever it called.
Happy Birthday Girl, hope you like it ^.^
great and simple outing cant wait for the next :D
that's it! hope the sweetie enjoyed her birthday and stop emo-ing around. haha.
still! I'm coughing. gotta be better soon. something's wrong with me. 
got something crazy to do? better have it done. by now :目
bought myself a Charles&Keith new purse. F.I.N.A.L.L.Y. 
The old one was like, beggar's. shitty polo -_-
spend spend spend. gotta learn to control......!
Oh yeah, so I decided to take 5 subjects. die die go! 
Love the way the duet, so comfortable and natural mixed tgt :)

off for Dark Shadows. 
bye :D