
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

it is all over..but it's party time!

Final is over and me over too. Game over.
Im reeeeeeaally worrrrrrry about it. ;( seriously.
dont tell me something like : 'you won't get Fail one la. trust me'
You trust me! i know what i did on my paper. this time really dua tai chi.

Moved our stuff to our new house the next day. It was a looooooong day. tiring day.
On weekend, finally it comes the big outing with my lovely old friends. another tiring day I can say.
But i really love it. how this feeling of tired comes. unlike the tiredness cause by study. its totally different cases. 
Gonna start my happy day story.
super excited :目
some one ruined my beginning of happy day.
I accompanied my beloved roomate for breakfast as she got flight to go for. Oh i forget to take photo with her. we're no longer roomate next sem fyi :(
went to our new house at north wing, i mean. walked to close the lamp. we forgotten to off the light when we were off. -.-
I got back to my room, and online online until 10+ am. pongpong urge me on Facebook to be fast as lemon already reached cyber. I was like O___O i didnt even bath yet!
RUSH like shit bla bla and I reached Timesquare like 11 something 12. 
wait................. for an hour.
Kitschen always is the first shop that pops out from my mind
and guess what. I've seen this exactly the same pattern of piece at Forever21 that tagged RM85 if I'm not mistaken. but it only cost me RM15.90 @ Kitschen! 
grab it for sure :D
and finally i get some texts. the guys came and catch me up. off to Pavilion! 
they watched their Paranormal Activity3 but. no thanks! i was hungry like I can eat a cow.
get some food then. pongpong didnt go at last. me and peiyin, best partner to zak pongpong ^^
the Ben's

she always got the 贵妇 look. =x

she get annoyed cause I kept on capture :P

still smile hor!!!
I always hate how i look by dslr D:
went for Pavilion lvl6, Tokyo Street. there was nothing much but many restaurants.
I couldnt find gong it that nice? so gonna try it out someday! 
camwhore a must

after lunch, Farenheit 88- our next station.
there was some brand named... @ Sephora
super funny! hahahaha
ar loo make my shopping mood on! D: I wanna shopping!!!!
while waiting for ar loo. started to tired. weak me D:
mean while good timing, guys finished their sucks movie. according to them. pongpong should glad that she didnt go for it.

Guys gotta go get something at Low Yat so here we go, again! 
we were so tired already so we girls just rest outside, eat 咖喱鱼旦 and get some drinks.
the fourth pic is funny! too hot ey? XD
this is so funny! actually i rearrange it. but still funny. couldnt upload it on Facebook. errors can you tell me why?! ughhhh.
they people try so hard to finding where Levain is. and i tried so hard to capture human's ugly side :目 
I got many photos of ar loo glared at me. HAHAHA.//
okok, I can hear she's nagging me right now.
Well, with the help of the Goddess GPS. here we are!
finally we're here!! :D
cream puff is nice!  
the happy ambassador XD
goodbye Leavin.
It was a long way to go to Ampang road, Look Out Point. but luckily we made it without many difficulties. Credits to the GPS's. phewww :D

me look ugly here! :( but one and only nice pic of us.
All in all, this is the nicest outing ever so far. we spells awesomeness! :DDD
happy night which wipe out my worrit temporarily.
Thanks guys. love ya'll always  

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

thursday = doomsday

Calculus and then Chem. On the same day!!!! D: D: D: D: 
two more days to go and that it is doomsday. For me. 
my bang grows so fast and I find it so annoying. again! ughhh.
and how should I pack my things up? *scratch head*

wonder how would I die?
If i die young, bury me satin lay me down on a bed of roses~~~
Remember okay?
Oh I know. I'll ..
die with no hair.

Monday, October 10, 2011

How do you spell STRESS?

I think I've just know this word. completely experienced  it. :((((
short semester ain't funny and it's really a killing one and half month for me.
Like seriously. 
Total week8, every week keeps on test 1, midterm, lab reports, assignments and test2.
and now here come the final. week8.
super soon. everyday rushing here and there.
Im suffocating. *gasp*
I'm the type of last minute person.
and I know this is not going to work any more. or should i say it has been, from the beginning.
I knew it. foundation was bad. 
too much of slacking. 
I hate myself.
and I'm really glad that I have a bunch of idiots with me. If not I probably already commit suicide or what. lol
I love you idiots. Ya, you! who reading this. :P

frown frown frown
Sometimes I frown w/o myself knowing >:(
going to move to north wing so soon.
gonna miss fifi :(
p/s: i got many ':('s in this post