
Sunday, October 6, 2013

October | Late Birthday Post

Foremost, Happy Belated Birthday to meeee! hahaha Thanks everyone for the greets, celebrations and everything that you've done for me. The gang that super busy and still squeeze the time for the celebration, lujing & angel for the effort and escort me like a princess at front door. hahahaah Love y'all! And of course the love ones. The things that he has done for me, is way more than what  I deserve. Always feel rejoice to have him and cherish every moment together 
Something's wrong with the celebration photo that the color is like so weird I couldn't upload it here, and some in iPad so nevermind just leave it. These all are taken by my phone and some updates lately. oh ya. Just to update, like fi fi fi nallyyy I changed my phone.
sweeeet present from pongpong the ling! we should get married right? 
Decided to go for the Podgy & The Banker @ Sri Hartamas with le sweetie pie since he left the car and we seriously needed a catchup.
our mochas
It was a really nice coffee served and we wanted to try out their cakes & cupcakes so badly! save it for the next time. heee Mad love with the ambience over there. So chilling and relaxing. We totally enjoyed! Went back to Angel's house with this cute little angel. Awww she melts my heart.
 A crazy tiring day with the always-crazyyyy people, we went Klang to have dinner @ Restoran Boston Baru. OMG every dish served were freaking awesome and you gotta queue up if reached by 7 onwards like seriously. Four dishes- vege, lala, chicken and tofu cost us like RM16 each person. Oh my freaking goooddd. I love this restaurant. We reached and ordered around 630 and our food arrived around 720-725. I mean Seriously! Then we went to Setia Alam Night Market. :OOOOOOO
The happy kids when saw all the candies we had when we were little! hahah
Lastly,the love one. He looks so sissy here gosh.
taken before going to work just to tryout the new app. Hahahaha
Btw, I started my internship like a month ago. It sucks, actually the boss sucks. Every bosses suck right?