
Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Can't believe it has been a month since the last post. Yeah I know, I'm going way too far this time. wayyyyy to lazy to be exact. I had a lot in my mind and wanted to blog about everything! I have many drafts that I wrote halfway you know, was just too lazy -_-
People saying me mysterious, difficult to understand, anti-social or stuff like that. But for me what I was doing just protecting myself, have no idea why I have this mind-set thingy. I think I am overprotecting myself am I? I actually realized this situation for a long time ago as well, that I am kinda.. do not know how to expressing myself I should say? Idk, something like that. 
Or you can I really prefer more privacy. Especially in relationship, family issues or sensitive(important) thing to me. I feel like its the safest way on earth is to keep it to yourself. Maybe its the Virgo thing? hahahaha. blame it to the horoscope some more. 
So when I found someone who I can tell everything everything, I cherish them. like very much.. 
For those who stood and still stands by me. I really really really appreciate it. You know who you are and THANK YOU! You have no idea how much you can mean to a person. 
Oh how I miss this silly girl. Sometimes a little girls night could makes you laugh your lung out and drives you crazy!
Us with our long tongue. hahahahaha
And before I forgot/ getting lazy. A small celebration for our jizai. Happy Birthday dude and all the best in future at UK. Gonna miss you so much when you're left! How could you leaving on my bday :( 
Any ladies out there who interested this young man is still single and available ooops. 
Sorry for the poor quality of photos, ok. I know my photos never been good. 
Goodnight gotta go get some sleep and fight for Wednesday mid term! Mid term yang x habis2.:(